
በሳሙና ማሽኖቻችን ተጠቅመው በማምረት ላይ ከሚገኙ ደንበኞቻችን የተወሰዱ ምስሎች። 📞0114626173 📞0993934145 #Hayle_engineering #Soap_Making_Machine #Ethiopia #Soap

the Model 4 Prime Bar Soap Making Machine with fully automatic and semi-automatic cutter varieties; stay tuned for Model 5 in very soon! contact us for more: 📞0114626173 📞0993934145   #Hayle_engineering #Soap_Making_Machine #Ethiopia

ጥራታቸው በየጊዜው እየተሻሻሉ የቀረቡት የሳሙና ማሽኖቻችን ከአለን ልምድ በመነሳት ጥንካሬያቸው እና አስተማማኝነታቸውን ጠብቀው የደንበኞቻችንን ፍላጎት እና ህልም ለማሳካት ተመራጭ አድርጓቸዋል ። ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ ቁጥሮች 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 በመደወል ማግኘት ይችላሉ #Hayle_engineering #Soap_Making_Machine #Ethiopia

የፕላስቲክ እቃዎችን ማምረቻ ማሽኖችን ይፈልጋሉ? ከትንሽ እስከ መካከለኛ ደረጃ ያሉ የፕላስቲክ ማምረቻ ማሽኖችን ለማምረት በደንበኞቻችንን ፍላጎት መሰረት በአዳዲስ መፍትሄዎች ቀርበናል። ለበለጠ መረጃ በስልክ ቁጥሮች 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 በመደወል ማግኘት ይችላሉ #Hayle_engineering #Plastic_Machines #Ethiopia

We deliver top-notch liquid soap-making machines to our Nigerian customers! Empowering local entrepreneurship and promoting sustainable solutions. Contact us for more: 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954   #Hayle_engineering #FreeDelivery #AddisAbaba #Liquid_Soap_Machine #Nigeria
በ አዲስ አበባ እንዲሁም በ ኢትዮጵያ ልዩ ልዩ ቦታዎች ድርጅታችን ኃይሌ እንጅነሪንግ ያመረታቸው ማሽኖች መገኛ የሚያሳይ ካርታ | A map showing the location of machines in Addis Ababa and Ethiopia that are manufactured by our company, Hayle Engineering.
Hayle_engineering #Ethiopia #Addis_Ababa #Machines #Location
Exciting news for our customers! Enjoy our free machinery delivery in Addis Ababa and loading service for outside Addis Ababa. Contact us for more: 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954   #Hayle_engineering #FreeDelivery #LoadingService #AddisAbaba #Machines
tailored to meet sophisticated production requirements with tandem machining capability. 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954   #Hayle_engineering #Machining
tailored to meet sophisticated production requirements with tandem machining capability. 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 #Hayle_engineering #Machining
Introducing the Brand New Fully Automatic Soap Cutter Machine for all Model 4 Prime Machines | አዲሱ ሙሉ በሙሉ አውቶማቲክ የሳሙና መቁረጫ ማሽን 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 #Model4Prime #FullyAutomatic #SoapCutting
2 Cavity Battery Cup Injection Mold; variety of Plastic Injection Molds can be prepared here in high precision measurement | ባለሁለት ካቪቲ የ ባትሪ ክዳን ማምረቻ ኢንጄክሽን ሞልድ። ልዩ ልዩ የፕላስቲክ ኢንጀክሽን ሞልዶችን በከፍተኛ የልኬት ደረጃ እናመርታለን 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 #PlasticInjection #Injectionmold #BatteryMold
Only original and genuine electric motors and machine systems are allowed to be assembled on our production machines. | በምናመርታቸው ማሽኖቻችን ላይ ኦሪጅናል እና እውነተኛ የኤሌክትሪክ ሞተሮችን እና የማሽን ክፍሎቸን ብቻ እንገጥማለን። 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 #SoapMakingMachine #Soap #Ajax
Only original and genuine electric motors and machine systems are allowed to be assembled on our production machines. | በምናመርታቸው ማሽኖቻችን ላይ ኦሪጅናል እና እውነተኛ የኤሌክትሪክ ሞተሮችን እና የማሽን ክፍሎቸን ብቻ እንገጥማለን። 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 #SoapMakingMachine #Soap #Ajax
ያለትእዛዝ! የሳሙና ማሽኖችን በፈለጉበት ሰዓት መጫን ይችላሉ፤ ምርቶቻችንን በፍጥነት እና በቅልጥፍና እያመረትን እንገኛለን። ለጊዜዎ የሚሰጡትን ዋጋም እንገነዘባለን! 📞0114626173 📞0118589954 #SoapMakingMachine #Soap #Ajax
የፕላስቲክ ሪሳይክል ጥሬ እቃ ማምረቻ ማሽኖችን በዝቅተኛ፣መካከለኛ እና ከፍተኛ የማምረት አቅም እናመርታለን | We manufacture plastic recycling raw material production machines with low, medium, and high production capacities. 📞0114626173 | 📞0118589954
Embrace the art of precision with our elegant soap molds, shaping your desired soap to perfection. 📞0114626173 ፣ 📞0118589954 for more updates:  #SoapMaking #SoapMold #SoapMakingMachine 
During the exchange of experience about technology and manufacturing with Hawassa Polytechnic College, manufacturing experts at Hayle Engineering | በ ኃይሌ ኢንጂነሪንግ ከሀዋሳ ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ የማኑፋክቸሪንግ ባለሙያዎች ጋር ስለቴክኖሎጂ እና ማኑፋክቸሪንግ የልምድ ልውውጥ በተደረገበት ወቅት። Follow our new Facebook page for more updates:
During the exchange of experience about technology and manufacturing with Hawassa Polytechnic College, manufacturing experts at Hayle Engineering | በ ኃይሌ ኢንጂነሪንግ ከሀዋሳ ፖሊ ቴክኒክ ኮሌጅ የማኑፋክቸሪንግ ባለሙያዎች ጋር ስለቴክኖሎጂ እና ማኑፋክቸሪንግ የልምድ ልውውጥ በተደረገበት ወቅት። Follow our new Facebook page for more updates:
Ensuring the utmost Technical and Operational safety for our customers, Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities! 📞0114626173 | 📞0118589954
No matter what; The best possible way for every machine under production! 📞0114626173 | 📞0118589954
Hayle Engineering Squad. 2016 E.C
Hayle Engineering Squad. 2016 E.C
 The Blue Twins on the way to Debub.
The Blue Twins on the way to Debub.
upgrade your Ajax soap making machine to Laundry and Bath soap production line.
“the job is done!” louder sound any customer want to hear; in Time!
choose the one suits your kind of soap Shape.
ሊያመርቱ የሚፈልጉትን የ ሳሙና አይነት እና ስያሜ ይምረጡ ገበያ ላይ ተወዳዳሪ የሚሆን ምርት፤ ማምረቻ ማሽን እናቀርብለዎታለን | Choose your kind of soap product and your strong branding, we prepare machinery's for market competitive products;📞0114626173 📞0118589954,  for more information's visit:
ሊያመርቱ የሚፈልጉትን የ ሳሙና አይነት እና ስያሜ ይምረጡ ገበያ ላይ ተወዳዳሪ የሚሆን ምርት፤ ማምረቻ ማሽን እናቀርብለዎታለን | Choose your kind of soap product and your strong branding, we prepare machinery’s for market competitive products;📞0114626173 📞0118589954, for more information’s visit:
ያለ ሲሚንቶ የሚመረት የቴራዞ ንጣፍ ማምረቻ ማሽን | Pavement tile making machine With out Cement
Model 4 with multiple unique features; from small to plant-level Soap Production Machine
ለምናመርታቸው ማሽኖች በባንክ፣ በማይክሮፋይናንስ እንዲሁም የካፒታል እቃ ግዥ ከሚያደርጉ መሰል ተቋማት በኩል ግዥ መፈፀም እንደሚቻል እናሳውቃለን!
the one step closer marketing for your promising Product
ገብስ ቆሎ መቁያ ማሽን
Salt Production Machines on the way to AFAR
Brand New Components for your Brand New Machines!
Hayle Engineering Squad
Customer response is about 6000 Pcs/8hours, even further! but still, the quotation remains 3000Pcs/8 hours. the double-up #Model 3!
Customer response is about 6000 Pcs/8hours, even further! but still, the quotation remains 3000Pcs/8 hours. the double-up #Model 3!
በጋዝ የሚሰራ ከፍተኛ አቅም ያለው የኦቾሎኒ መቁያ ማሽን | Gas Powered High Capacity Peanut Roasting Machine.
the last footages for Model 3 Ajax Soap Making Machines, we are welcoming a Preorder for the Coming up Model 4 | የመጨረሻዎቹ ሞዴል 3 አጃክስ ሳሙና ማምረቻ ማሽኖች ፣ ለሚመጣው ሞዴል 4 ቅድመ ትእዛዝ እየተቀበልን ነው።
ልዩ ትዕዛዞችዎ በሰዓቱ ደርሰው ያግኙ | get On-time delivery for your special orders

Soap Cake (Ajax Soap) Making Machine production and Delivery

Liquid Soap Making machine Production and Delivery for Non Governmental organizations

getting the most out of customers showcase and Engineering product improvement

During The First Machine Production, The Automatic Stamper Making Machine

During the Modified Corn Planter Machine Field Testing

During Animal Driven Seader Machine Testing on Field

During the First Hayle Engineering Event titled: “Engineering Design Bundle with Hayle Engineering”

Inside the Hayle Engineering Design Room

3D Scanning, 3D Printing, and Virtual reality (VR) Technologies

During Full-time Interview with NAHOO TV

During Full-time Interview with EBC

During Full-time Interview with EBC