Haylemariam Gebrie
About Haylemariam Gebrie 116 Articles
Ambitious Design Engineer with Passion follows function. He's the founder and Design Engineer at HAYLE ENGINEERING, highly engaged with Engineering Designs, Product Design and Development, Machine and Tool Designs, Virtual Prototyping, CAD, CAM, and CAE Solutions and Trainings, Design for Reverse Engineering, 3D Scanning and 3D Printing.


  1. በጣም ጥሩ ነው ግን ዋጋውን ብትነግሩን እራሳችንን ለማየት ይጠቅመን ነበር

    • Candle Making Machine

      30 Piece Per Batch: ETB: 25,000
      50 Piece Per Batch: ETB: 35,000
      100 Piece Per Batch: ETB: 55,000
      200 Piece Per Batch: ETB: 102,000

      with one year full Guarantee and Maintenance Service
      Address: Ethiopia, Addis Abeba, Saris to Kality Road, Behind Sheger Building Second Floor. Phone Number: 0114626173, 0910626155
      for more Visit https://www.hayleengineering.com
      አድራሻ፡- አዲስ አበባ ቃሊቲ ሸገር ህንፃ ጀርባ 2ኛ ፎቅ ስልክ ቁጥር፡- 0114626173, 0910626155

  2. የአጃክስ ማምረቻ ማሽን የማምረት አቅም ከተቀመጠው በግማሽ የሚያመርት ዋጋ ብታብራሩልን

  3. I am very interesting to buy Ajax bar soap machine,now i am taking training in liquid soap preparation after finishing this course i will also taking Ajax soap preparation soon, so i will contact you until pls advise me which will be first in my business,
    Thank you

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